Agri Beers From Seed to Beer

Our Beers

Bèrta is GOOSE half-sour beverage, refreshing in summertime, with bergamot, citrous hot plant that gives fresness and Sicilian integral salt from Sicily.
Belgian-style SAISON beer : commoly called 'farmhouse ales', they originate as a summertime beer in Belgium. In those days, they quenched the thirst of the so-called 'saisonniers' (seasonal farmworkers) who used to work hard to grow all those natural ingredients selected to make beer right on the farmhouse, just like AgriBirrificio Fria does. Bèta, is in fact a seasonal beer carrying all those flavors, scents and spices typical of the warm-weather treats.
AgriBrewery “Fria” utmost focus is undoubtedly on its territories. Our “LaTino” remarkably increases the percentage of local natural ingredients such as yeasts, hop plants, honey, barley malt, carefully sourced just 5km from the farmhouse.
PILS is a slips-down-a throat, low fermentation (approx 10°) blond lager, requiring a higher degree of technical complexity if compared to high-fermentation (approx 20°) ones. It gives off a pale gold gold color and a light-crisp flavor, that is also mellow and smooth to the palate. Featuring only noble hop plants like Saaz, low-tolerance to alcohol, in style with the lager beer range.
The highest expression of hops in pure IPA style, a style born from the well-known needs of long conservation. Hence the reason why hops (a natural preservative) must be the undisputed protagonist and in this case we're talking American hops. This beer carries a fruity flavor while its style is maltier and bitter, yet not too much in order to remain a thirst-quenching treat.
STRONG ALE, with its well-known English origins, is a bold, rich and complex beer, where barley malts clearly stand out while yielding a full range of nuances for the palate to enjoy. Its bitterness and alcohol content bring its characteristics to the forefront.
MORA is the beer with sweet-bitter taste and stout style: dark brown colour is dued to black barley malt that perfectly matches with blackberries grown at Farm house “Dal Moro”.

Why AgriBrewery?

AgroBrewery “Fria” origins from the idea of making beers that speak about our territories. The farm grows its own natural ingredients, from barley to spices; we make superbly particular beers while tuning in to the weathering of the flavours grown.

From field to pint, this is our commitment when making a craft, farmland beers.
Spices are grown and processed on our farm in order to be used for the production of special beers that are going to be seasonally available in a limited edition, that means only when spices are ready for use.
AgroBrewery “Fria” grows 2-raw barley on its land and partners with COBI malt house, which specializes in malting of Italian cereals for beer. We take product traceability very seriously, this is why we can ensure that our selection of beers only uses Italian malts.
Hop plant is accurately selected and it pairs with a collaborative project among local producers which comprises a small hop-plant to be built at the brewing site. In so doing, we aim at further integrating the proportion of zero-km natural ingredients in our brewing process.

Gabriele Ferro graduated from the University of Venice in Architecture, and after years of travelling around Europe and Australia, where he enrichened his cultural experience of “made in Italy” while living abroad, he eventually decides to head back to Italy.

Si avvicina al mondo delle birre con un idea in mente: brassare birre locali, che nascano dalle materie prime che ci può dare la nostra terra. Da quel momento iniziano anni di studio e ricerca, inizia a produrre birre in casa con una costante ricerca della materia prima a km 0.
Fonda l’Azienda Agricola dove coltiva l’orzo, spezie e aromi. A quel punto apre l’AgriBirrificio, certificato con oltre il 70% di materia prima di propria produzione.

The road to the first 100% local beer, from seed to beer, is in turmoil...

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